All you need to know about Siamese cats, a complete guide


The Siamese is a medium-sized breed of cat with a short, silky coat that features a pale body and dark limbs, known as the "point" pattern. They have bright blue eyes and a distinctive triangular head. Their exact origin is unclear, but they are believed to originate from Thailand (formerly known as Siam), and were introduced to Europe and North America in the 19th century. The breed became popular thanks to its distinctive coat and unique personality.

In general, the Siamese cats are a healthy breed and are not particularly prone to disease. However, as with any other pet, it is important to take them to the vet regularly in order to keep them healthy and prevent disease.

They are very active, intelligent, playful and vocal, and affectionate people-loving cats, making them excellent companions for those who enjoy interaction with their pets including children and the elderly. However, as with any other pet, it is important to supervise young children around the cat to ensure they do not accidentally hurt them and to verify that the elderly are capable of adequate care for them, including providing food, water, veterinary care, and gaming time.

1) Origin

The origin of Siamese cats takes us back to the history of Siam, now Thailand, which was a civilization that was formed in the 13th century, when several Tai city-states united to form the largest kingdom in the region. It was a monarchical state until 1939, when Thailand was formed, however they developed a distinctive culture with its own language, art and architecture, in which Siamese cats were quite present.

Even though there are no concrete records of historical texts that mention them, it is a  popular belief that for this culture the Siamese were sacred animals, in addition to the fact that they have been found represented in ancient artifacts, sculptures and paintings from the region. Also, it is known Siamese have been bred by royalty and nobility for centuries, even they were given as gifts by the royal family to British and Dutch diplomats in the 19th century.

The first Siamese cat in the records was called Pho, who was given to the British consul in Bangkok as a gift by the King of Siam in 1884, later Pho was taken to England to be presented at the world's first feline exhibition, held in London in 1871. and in company with his breeding partner Mia, were the first Siamese cats recorded in history and progenitors of the breed throughout Europe.

Shortly after, around 1890, they arrived in the United States and two years later the first standard for the breed was established, however, it was not until 1902 when the first Siamese cat was registered in the country and in 1949 when it was recognized by the International Federation. Feline (FIFe). The Siamese became so popular that even the US First Lady Lucy Webb Hayes was one of the first to adopt a Siamese as a White House pet, followed by Eleanor Roosevelt, who in 1930 received a Siamese from the Thai ambassador and she named him Siam.

2) Characteristics
Siamese cats have a number of distinctive physical characteristics including:

  • A medium-sized oriental body that usually length between 20 and 25 centimeters. They are muscular and fine-boned cats, with a pointed tail and a long neck and legs, which gives them a very stylized appearance. Its weight varies between 2.5 and 5.5 kilograms, with an average weight between 3 or 4 kilos being common, although males can exceed 5.
  • Wedge-shaped head with large ears, since its head is shaped like an elongated triangle with the sides curved outward and its ears are high and pointed, while its nose is long and straight and its muzzle is thin.
  • Almond-shaped eyes of an intense and brilliant blue color with an expressive and captivating gaze that contrast with their fur.
  • Short and smooth hair, silky, fine and attached to the body. Its color is lighter on the body than on the extremities, which gets darker due to the lower body temperature. This contrast is called point and it can come in various colors such as chocolate, cinnamon, cream, even with iridescent touches of lilac. On the face they usually have a mask of the same “point color” that surrounds the eyes and covers the pads of the whiskers.
  • Active, outgoing and affectionate personality, since they are very intelligent, curious and playful cats that need a lot of attention and company. They are also very vocal and frequently communicate with their owners through a distinctive meow.

3) Differences between the modern and tradicional Siamese cat

Siamese cats come in two varieties, the traditional or Thai Siamese and the modern or Show Style Siamese. However, the differences between the traditional and the modern Siamese cat are mainly physical, as both share the same origin and the same pointed color scheme. Some of these differences are:

  • The traditional Siamese cat has medium-sized, almond-shaped eyes in a deep blue color. Its head is rounded, with a short muzzle, flat nose, and a smooth profile. They have a robust and compact body, with moderate musculature and a broad chest. Also, the legs are proportionate to their body, with small round feet and a tail of medium length and uniform thickness which tapers slightly towards the tip.
  • In turn, the modern Siamese cat has very large, slanted light blue eyes, a triangular head, long muzzle, straight nose, and a sharp profile. Its body is more slender and elongated with fine musculature and a narrow chest, while its legs are long and slender, with large oval feet and a very long and thin tail that tapers very much towards the tip.

4) Care, education and health

Siameses require some specific care to stay healthy and happy. Some of them are:

  • Food: Food is one of the most important aspects for the well-being of a Siamese cat. A quality food must be provided, appropriate to their age, size and state of health. The quantity and frequency of meals should also be controlled, since Siamese cats tend to gain weight easily. It is always important to consult with the vet according to each case and also if it is your first cat you can document yourself in blogs and specialized sites to complement the information.
You can also read our entry: How to feed your cat without losing your mental health in the process?

  • Hygiene: This breed of cats is characterized by being very clean and grooming themselves. However, you should brush their short and silky coat at least once or twice a week in order to remove dead hair and prevent hairballs. Likewise, you should clean their eyes, ears and teeth regularly and cut the nails when necessary.
  • Exercise: Siamese are very active and playful, so they need daily exercise to keep fit the body and stimulate their mind. It is necessary to provide them with toys, scratching posts, cat trees and other elements that allow them to jump, climb, run and have fun. Nor should you forget to dedicate daily time to interacting with them, since they usually demand a lot of attention from their owners.
  • Health: They are generally healthy and long-lived, but they may suffer from some hereditary or breed-specific diseases. Some of the most common are strabismus, nystagmus, renal amyloidosis, feline asthma or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. For this reason it is necessary to take them regularly to the vet for vaccinations and preventive check-ups.
  • Socialization: They are very sociable and affectionate, needing the company of their owners and other pets, although they must be socialized from puppies so that they get used to different people, animals, and situations. Likewise, they must be educated with patience and positive reinforcement to avoid unwanted behaviors such as the destruction of furniture, excessive meowing or aggressiveness.

5) Tricks and recommendations for caring a Siamese Cat

This point goes very hand in hand with the previous one, so it is always important- as with any cat- to monitor its basic needs such as food, hygiene, and physical and mental health. However, Siamese cats have certain peculiarities that we will explain below:

  • Choose a good breeder: It is wonderful if you adopt a cat, but if you are looking to buy a Siamese cat, make sure that you choose a responsible and professional breeder who offers you guarantees of health and purity of the breed. Ask to see the documents that prove the pedigree and its health and vaccinations records. Also, you should ask to see the cat's parents and be sure that the environment in which it is raised is in good conditions.
  • High quality food: You must give your Siamese cat food high in protein and low in carbohydrates, which covers the nutritional needs. However, you should also control the quantity and frequency of meals, as they are prone to obesity, even when the portions and presentation of the food should vary according to their age, weight and state of health. It is always recommended that your cat have 2 or maximum 3 meals per day, even though, take in mind that Siamese are gluttonous, pushy, and very vocal cats, so if it meow so laugh to the point of driving you crazy, you can try giving more frequently meals in smaller portions.
  • Brushing: Although Siamese have a short coat, and they require less care than other breeds, you must not forget to brush them at least once a week. To do this, we recommend using a soft brush, the glove ones go very well with their short fur, or you can also use a damp towel that will give them extra shine.
  • Physical and mental stimulation:They are very sociable, intelligent and affectionate, so in order to be healthy they need to feel loved, as well as play to avoid boredom and exercise to maintain physical health. They like to jump, climb, rummage and scratch their nails, so we recommend setting up the house with all kinds of furniture, toys and accessories for cats, which allows them to be on the move and challenge their mental abilities, as well as dedicating at least 1 hour a day between caresses and games. The ideal with this breed is to raise them together with other pets so that they can play and make each other company, but in case you already have a Siamese at home and you cannot afford another furry friend, we sugest that you spend at least 2 or 3 hours a day to prevent them from becoming depressed or suffering from separation anxiety if they spend a lot of time alone.

6)Siamese Cats Curiosities

Siamese cats are a very interesting and fascinating breed of cats that have many curiosities that may surprise you. Here I leave you some of them:

  • They are very loyal and faithful to their owners. It is said that they are able to protect people from evil spirits and even die for them.
  • They have a Thai name, “wichien-maat”, which means diamond moon
  • They are born completely white and develop their characteristic color (color point) as long as they are exposed to different temperatures.
  • The color point is due to a thermal gene that makes its fur darker in areas where the body temperature is lower, such as the ears, face, legs and tail.
  • They reach early sexual maturity and are highly sexually active, so can procreate a large family. So, if you don't want to have a lot of kittens around you should sterilize your cat to avoid unwanted pups and the consequent risk of abandonment.
  • They have a life expectancy of between 15 and 20 years, although some can live longer. The record is held by a Siamese cat named Scooter who lived 30 years according to the Guinness Book of Records.
  • When they were presented at the first feline exhibition in the world (London, 1871), they were not very well received by the public, who considered them "unnatural" and "nightmarish".
  • Siamese cats have appeared in various movies and television series such as Lady and the Tramp, The Aristocats, The Rookie Witch, Charmed, Friends, Garfield, The Simpsons, and That's 70 Show, among others.

7) Original and fun name ideas for Siamese Cats

Siamese cats are very special cats that deserve an original and fun name that reflects their personality and beauty. Here I leave you some ideas of names for Siamese cats that you may like:

  • Blue: A simple but pretty name that refers to the color of their eyes.
  • Buddha: Evokes his Asian origin and his wisdom.
  • Cinnamon: Alludes to the color of its fur and its sweetness.
  • Haku: Means "white" in Japanese and is also the name of the dragon from the movie Spirited Away.
  • DalĂ­: A name that honors the famous surrealist painter who had a mustache similar to that of a Siamese cat.
  • Eliot: Inspired by the poet T.S. Eliot, author of the poems on which the musical Cats is based.
  • Frida: In honor to the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, known for her self-portraits with animals.
  • Gizmo: Remember the character in the movie Gremlins, who was very cute but also very mischievous.
  • Indi: It means "independent" and reflects the character of Siamese cats.
  • Jazz: Expresses the rhythm and elegance of Siamese cats.
  • Kiwi: Suggests the green color of the fruit and is also an affectionate nickname in some countries.
  • Luna: Alludes to the round and luminous shape of her eyes.
  • Milo: It comes from the Greek and means "kind" or "graceful".
  • Nala: Means "gift" in Swahili and is also the name of the lioness from The Lion King.
  • Oreo: Refers to chocolate and cream cookies and also suits the contrasting colors of Siamese cats.
  • Paco: Diminutive of Francisco in Spanish and which also means "peace" in Latin.
  • Chimera: Refers to a mythological being made up of parts of different animals and is also used to describe something impossible or fantastic.
  • Romeo: Evokes the famous Shakespearean character and his love story.
  • Tao: Means "way" or "beginning" in Chinese and represents Eastern philosophy.

In short, Siamese cats are excellent companions for those who enjoy interacting with their pets and who want a cat with a unique look and character.

And you? Do you have or would you like to have a Siamese cat? What do you think of this very special breed? Leave us your comment and share your experience with us. If you want to know more about Siamese cats and other cat breeds, don't miss our next articles.
